Three Days Can Change Everything


Do you want your ministry to be more powerful?

Are you willing to cultivate your gifts so they make the most impact?

Are you ready to follow Christ into the embodiment of your full humanity?

The Mind of Christ Retreat is the class you never got in seminary.


It takes you into the heart of being human as a direct experience - so you can more effectively impact the lives of those you serve.

We hear from clergy and church leaders all the time who say some version of:

I don’t feel equipped by my training to address the challenge of sharing the Gospel.”


“I feel frustrated and burned out that all my efforts are having so little impact.”


“I wish I felt more inspired and alive in my ministry.”

And, perhaps the most common,

“My own spiritual life is drying up and I can’t seem to find the juice I once had.”


It takes courage and humility to admit that we do not yet have all the tools we need to feel most alive and impactful in our ministry.


And, if we’re honest, we know that the answer is not another book or course of intellectual understanding or even another spiritual practice.

What we are searching for is a wholehearted embodied experience that touches us and puts us in direct contact with the Life That Never Goes Away.

This is the Mind of Christ

When we live and minister from the Mind of Christ...

 We touch the lives of those around us without having to say a word.

And the words and actions we do take have far greater impact.

The experience of communion with our Life on this level is not just idea or even as awareness but a wholehearted embodiment that is possible for anyone who feels called to follow Jesus.

It is the Gospel is beyond simply body of wisdom or knowledge or belief. It is a Living, Breathing, Human experience of being alive.

And, it is something we need to learn to embody.

To minister in Word and Sacrament is to open a portal to a felt, embodied experience of being alive. But the hard truth is that, as leaders, we cannot open this portal for others if we do not know how to be stable inside of it ourselves.

This is not anyone’s fault. There has simply been nowhere, outside of some monastic traditions, to learn and cultivate the kind of Presence that allows for the greatest impact of your calling and gifts.

Until now.

The Mind of Christ Retreat is designed for those of us who minister in the hustle and bustle of the marketplace.

It for those of us who have busy schedules and many demands on our time but still want to be the most effective and transformative ministers of the Gospel.

Putting on the Mind of Christ does not require us to retreat to the monastery or find hours a day for silent meditation. It simply requires that you harness the energy and power of the life you are already living and allow it to take you deeper and deeper into your own heart.

This is not like any other retreat or workshop you have been on. It takes a radically different approach to create a radically different experience.

Here’s how it works:

Embodiment - The incarnation is as much a journey for us as it was for Jesus. To truly incarnate Spirit into flesh we must learn to inhabit our bodies as the temples they are. The Mind of Christ Retreat offers a simple and powerful experience of embodiment that will open up huge possibilities for your ministry.

Initiation - Intellectual knowing and spiritual awareness is not enough to put on the Mind of Christ. We must be initiated into a direct contact of the “I Am” at the heart of our own experience of being alive. The Mind of Christ Retreat used the power of shared presence and simple, profound practice and ritual to access the experience of the Divine in your heart.

Safety - The reason why we are stuck in our nervous system and unable to access the Mind of Christ in our hearts is because we each carry mental conditioning that promises to offer us safety. The Mind of Christ Retreat creates a sacred and safe container that supports you cultivating a new level of safety - based in the heart rather than in personality and strategies for control.

The Mind of Christ Retreat is a pathway into a completely new depth of relationship with the mystery of Love at the heart of the Gospel.

Yes, but.... 

There are many reasons why people are hesitant to take this opportunity to learn something that will have profound impact on their ministry.


It requires a beginner’s mind – After years of study and leadership it is often difficult to set aside our expertise and mastery and be willing to engage with something we aren’t “good” at. Putting on the Mind of Christ requires a humility and surrender of control that many leaders find difficult... but it can be such a relief!

It is not about learning more information – The Mind of Christ requires that we lose our addiction to our heads and open to an experience beneath the level of “knowing.” In a culture where we have been constantly conditioned and rewarded for how much we “know” this is not always an easy thing to do. Instead of information we get a true experience.

It will change your life as well as your ministry – When we open ourselves to Love it is not only our ministry that will be changed but our hearts and lives as well. The truth of who we are and how we are called to live is not always something we want to look at. Often a deep encounter with the Divine confronts us with changes and new choices we are being asked to make and that can feel disruptive and challenging. Transformation is not always easy.

Putting on the Mind of Christ, stepping into a new relationship with God, is not just another workshop or conference.

It is a risk to set aside our habits and comforts and power and open ourselves up to the Divine Presence working a new thing in our lives.

But for many, this opportunity reminds us of the excitement we first felt when called to leave behind our nets and follow Christ into the unknown.

You are invited to the banquet. Will you come?

About your Guide

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Fr. Ernest Morrow is an ordained priest in the Episcopal/Anglican tradition.

His ministry is focused on facilitating the radical encounter with Love that is at the heart of the Gospel.

He has explored widely and delved deep into many spiritual traditions and practices to more deeply embody the mystery of Christ in his own life and ministry.

Ernest is a full time spiritual mentor and workshop leader and works ecumenically to inspire and support leaders to minister and serve from the heart.